Saturday, February 16, 2008

ABC Streaming HD

OK, I know I’m a geek, but you gotta try this out for yourself… We’ve all seen how the writer’s strike has ruined our evening television viewing experience. Lori and I have been die hard fans of LOST on ABC since it premiered. This season (season 4) has been a little different in that it did not begin until January of this year. Apparently they only were going to eight eppisodes this year, so in the midst of the writer’s strike, LOST is about the only show on TV with new material. We wanted to catch up on eppisodes from the previous seasons and discovered that we could watch them online. Watching four seasons on the computer screen didn’t sound very exciting, so I hooked my laptop up to our 42” LCD TV. It’s GREAT! They stream in HD and the picture really looks incredible on the TV. There are limited comercials, about four or five in an hour long eppisode. Last night we watched the first five eppisodes of season 1 and we’re prolly going to watch the rest of season 1 tonight.

Here’s what you need to do:
1. Go to and choose the show you would like to watch.
2. If you have an LCD or Plasma TV, connect your computer to the VGA connector in the rear, you’ll need a female to female VGA cable, I took one off of an old monitor.
3. If you don’t want to sit across the room and listen to your show via your computer speakers, connect your sound card to you’re a/V receiver with a 3.5 MM headphone to RCA cable.