Thursday, August 14, 2008

Beach Trip Update (A Little Late...)

Well, it's been a few weeks since we got back from the beach, I guess it's about time I posted an update...

So we had a really great time at the beach. Sara & Elizabeth got there late Wednesday night, I think we had my world famous pizza that night, it was really good if I do say so myself. Like most days, we spent the majority of the day on the beach. We had several good meals at home and out and about. We went to The Crab House one night and Chuck's Steakhouse another.

Friday we had an awesome adventure... Whit rented a bunch of jet ski's and we went up and down the Little River for a couple of hours, it was awesome! Owen, Lori & her mom stayed behind. My mom went with us and rode/drove a jet ski for the first time, she was a natural on the water. What a great time!

Then we had a little more excitement that afternoon... We were just minding our business on the beach and I saw one of those banner planes that go up and down the coast do an abrupt 180 degree turn and descend about 500 feet (they fly at about 750 - 1,000 feet). He dropped his banner in the water and was flying parallel to the beach, about 50' out. I saw him hover just above the water, I thought he was going to make a smooth landing in the water, but then either the prop or the landing gear got stuck and caused the plane to flip end over end. Whit and I chased the plane down the beach, it seemed to happen right in front of us, but he ended up about a mile south of us. When we got there the pilot had swam to the shore and only suffered a busted nose. The plane was not so fortunate, you could tell the window was busted and one of the wings was just barely on. It was truly an amazing event and fortunately everyone was OK. What a story...

With the excitement over, Mom went back to Florida on Saturday, I took her to the airport to see her off. We were planning on going home Saturday, but we decided to stay an extra day and leave on Sunday. Little did we know that Owen would wake us up at 4:00 AM... We decided to go ahead and wake up, feed him, pack up the car and head home. We were on the road by 7:00 AM and got home around 11:00 AM.

What a GREAT summer vacation at the beach.